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What: “Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf” by Bill Murray with George Peper

Retail price: $19.95.

To casual golf fans, the best tournament each year is the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, because Bill Murray will be there providing hilarious running commentary and dancing with members of the gallery in a sand trap.

This is the best book on golf you can give to a casual fan and is a must for any Murray fan.

“Cinderella Story” (the title was taken from a line spoken by Murray in the movie “Caddyshack”) is really two books in one.


The first part is a series of side-splitting anecdotes about Murray’s adventures on the course with great golfers such as Arnold Palmer (“He and Patton were born to lead armies”), Jack Nicklaus, et al, and with other celebrities such as Clint Eastwood and Michael Jordan (“In golf, his nickname should be ‘Sand’, not ‘Air.’ ”).

The second part serves as a mini-autobiography. Murray tells of his childhood growing up as a caddie, working for $1 an hour. I won’t ruin the story of how he lost his job, but it involves a blind golfer and a hole in one tournament. Connect the dots yourself.

He also talks about the making of “Caddyshack,” which Murray calls “arguably the greatest film ever made, if it’s a drunken argument.”


Murray’s writing style is much like how he talks, a lot of run-on sentences with a tinge of lounge-singer sincerity. But it is the perfect style for this book, which will have you laughing out loud several times.

“Cinderella Story” isn’t perfect. It’s choppy, jumps from topic to topic without warning, and apparently wasn’t read by a copy editor before it was published. But it succeeds brilliantly in the two most important areas: It’s funny, and it shows Murray’s love for golf.

And after reading it, you’ll want to pop “Caddyshack” into your VCR.
