
Give College Students Credit


* Since graduating from college, I’ve switched jobs three times, moved across the continent and back again, and taken roughly six months off between jobs.

I’ve enjoyed this great freedom to order my own life in large part because of the easy availability of consumer credit, in the form of credit cards obtained through the student marketing programs which Dennis Aigner denounces in his Orange County Voices column (July 11).

I’ve never missed a payment nor regretted a debt I’ve incurred.

As society becomes wealthier, businesses are able to offer services to groups within the population who once were unable to afford them.


Access to credit is one such service, and its availability to college students is a good thing, not a crime.

It is absurd for Aigner to posture as a defender of college students, while trying to reduce their access to a powerful tool on the grounds that they’re too stupid and short-sighted to be allowed to use it.


