
Graduation Talks


Re “Suppressed Speeches Fuel Religion-in-School Battle,” June 24: I read with great interest the account of Chris and Jason Niemeyer versus their local school district. As someone who takes his faith seriously, I fully respect and understand how important religion must be in the lives of these two young men. As a religious minority in America, I also fully concur with the decision made by the Oroville High administration not to allow them the chance to use their valedictorian commencement speeches for evangelical preaching.

The ideas of separation of church and state and freedom of religion are very basic to American ideals. You and I have the right to practice our respective faiths with freedom and without interference from government. But that also means at public school events and gatherings, you may not preach a faith to everyone in attendance. I can respect that your religion plays a very important role in your life, but you do not have a right to use a public platform to preach that faith. At a church gathering, yes; a private church school, yes; a public school, no.


Canoga Park
