
Train Festival Offers Ride Through Time


Train enthusiasts can board antique locomotives and ride through the Santa Clara River Valley this weekend during the Fillmore Spring Rail Festival.

The fourth annual Steaming Into the 21st Century will be hosted by the Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society, a nonprofit, volunteer group of railroad enthusiasts with members in Ventura County as well as Los Angeles, Bakersfield and Mammoth.

In addition to rides on the rails, the festival will offer food booths, live music, antique tractors and farm equipment, and a stroll through the nearby rail museum. Still under construction, the museum features photos, memorabilia and model trains of various scales. The building will be “robbed” by gunslingers during the festival, organizers said.


Construction of the railroad began in the 1880s by Thomas Bard, according to the historical society. The branch line was the original Southern Pacific line between Saugus in Los Angeles County and Montalvo in Ventura until the turn of the century.

The Fillmore Spring Rail Festival will run from 9 a.m. to dusk Saturday and Sunday in the city’s Central Park. For more information, call 524-1201 or 1-800-773-TRAIN.
