
Family of Girl Hit at Crosswalk Files Claim

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Despite the city considering a traffic light for the junction of Royal and Buckskin avenues, the family of a girl who was struck by a van at the intersection last fall has filed a $1.3-million claim against Simi Valley.

The claim alleges a crosswalk near the intersection gives pedestrians a false sense of security at what some residents consider a notoriously unsafe crossing.

Filed on behalf of the family by attorney Andrew Ellis of Los Angeles, the claim also alleges the city has failed to regulate the speed of cars or install a traffic light at the intersection near Royal High School.


Erin Fonvergne, a 14-year-old Royal High student, was struck by a minivan Oct. 5 while crossing the intersection.

She suffered a fractured skull, broken neck, fractured pelvis, broken leg, lacerated spleen and damaged kidney, according to the claim. Ellis said Erin’s medical bills are expected exceed $300,000.

Ellis said that for several more months Erin will likely have to wear a “halo” that keeps her neck from moving. She could also undergo more operations, he said.


Ellis has filed a similar claim with Simi Valley Unified School District and is suing the driver of the van, he said.

Ellis believes it’s only a matter of time before the city rejects his claim, at which time he plans to take the city, school district and driver to court in a combined litigation process.

The City Council will consider a proposal tonight to install a traffic light at the Buckskin Avenue crosswalk, said city traffic engineer Bill Golubics.


One pedestrian-related accident has occurred at Buckskin and Royal each year for the past three years, he said, prompting city staffers to recommend the traffic signal.

In addition, cars have rear-ended each other because they stop at the crosswalk to let pedestrians pass, he said.
