
Leisure World Security Officers Unfairly Vilified


* Re “Can’t Fight This Ticket at City Hall,” April 26:

As an active resident of Leisure World, I can tell you that this article presents an unfair and prejudiced viewpoint of our security guards, who do a great job for us.

[Complaining] residents should stop and think a little before maligning them and what most of us consider a paradise.


Laguna Woods

* How sad it is to see our Leisure World security force being besmirched so unfairly because of the mean-spirited fusillade of criticism being thrown at them by a few disgruntled residents for receiving traffic violations in our community.


Characterizing Leisure World residents as “terrified” of security officers is a gross and undeserved exaggeration.

These men and women, working for barely more than minimum-wage pay, perform countless acts of kindness, assistance and life-saving deeds well beyond their call of duty.

Of all the safety violations practiced in Leisure World, driving is the worst. Our security officers are doing their utmost to keep us safe. I wish there were more of them!


Laguna Woods

* There is no trouble “behind the brown cinder-block walls,” as you put it.

The disappointment is that you provided a prominent public forum for a very undeserving group that would like to eliminate an essential safety program because they consider it harassment.

Claiming that “people out here are absolutely terrified about how officers are treating them” is an absolutely outrageous exaggeration.

Their philosophy appears to be [that] if you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, the best defense is an offense.


All traffic enforcement in Leisure World is conducted strictly in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. To suggest any other ulterior motives, such as quotas or raising funds, is absurd.

The only possibility an officer would ever be rude is when it starts off with a rude, obnoxious violator.

Leisure World has had more than its share of extensive property damage, personal pain and suffering, as well as tragic deaths, from vehicle accidents and incompetent, uncooperative drivers.

In today’s culture, to suggest easing up on traffic violators, when in fact we should be strengthening our enforcement, would be foolhardy.


Laguna Woods
