
Buchanan Gets Fulani Backing, Vows to Seek Out Minorities

Associated Press

Endorsed by 1992 independent presidential candidate Lenora Fulani, Patrick J. Buchanan promised Thursday that his Reform Party campaign for the White House would reach out to minorities.

Fulani said she disagrees with the conservative Buchanan on such social issues as abortion rights and gay rights. But both said the two-party political system must be shaken up and said that they were putting aside their differences to unite on policy matters, such as economics and government reform.

Fulani, who is black, will serve as co-chairwoman of Buchanan’s campaign and will seek support for his candidacy among minority voters. “We’re going to integrate that peasant army of his,” Fulani said. “We’re going to bring black folks and Latino folks and gay folks and liberal folks into that army.”


Buchanan said Fulani’s support “sends a new message that this coalition is open to all.”

Despite the endorsement, Fulani said she would support a primary between Buchanan and New York developer Donald Trump, who also is considering a Reform Party run.

Joining Fulani as co-chairs of Buchanan’s campaign are his sister, Bay, and Pat Choate, Ross Perot’s vice presidential candidate in 1996.
