
Gay/Straight Club at School


* Peggy Jaynes is naive if she thinks gay-bashing will automatically disappear when the new protection laws take effect in January (Letters, Nov. 16).

This is especially true when you have a school board that blatantly discriminates against the students forming the gay/straight alliance [at El Modena High] by making them jump through hoops no one else had to.

Even if gay-bashing were to end, the social ostracism won’t go away. The students need a place where they have friends, where they can feel safe and comfortable and be treated with dignity and respect. Is that really too much to ask? No one is being forced to join the club.


The equal-access law was created to allow students to have Bible study and Christian clubs on campus. The Constitution would have no meaning if it only applies to people we agree with.

My daughter is a student at El Modena and actively involved in getting the gay/straight alliance approved. I couldn’t be more proud of her. As a parent, I fear the gay-bashers far more than a kid who loves someone, regardless of gender.


