
Bush Campaign Readies Simulated Attack Ads

From Associated Press

Bracing for a rival’s onslaught, George W. Bush’s political team has produced and tested a huge package of potential campaign advertisements--including several designed to look like attack ads he could face.

In focus groups conducted by the Bush team, the simulated attacks from wealthy publisher Steve Forbes did not hurt the Texas governor’s standing when coupled with a Bush ad responding to the criticism, said knowledgeable officials close to the Bush campaign. The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, outlined the extraordinary efforts to prepare the GOP front-runner for a multimillion-dollar ad blitz.

It is rare but not unprecedented for a campaign to prepare attack ads against its own candidate.


Bush’s effort underscores his team’s concerns that Forbes could dip into his personal fortune to shave Bush’s lead in polls. It also reflects the benefits of deep pockets: Only Bush, who has shattered fund-raising records, and Forbes have the financial resources to mount such a comprehensive ad campaign.

The Forbes and Bush campaigns are warily watching each other’s ad strategies. They are preparing for a joint television blitz, expected to begin in the next three to six weeks, that will likely shape the debate and affect the entire eight-candidate GOP field. Forbes ran negative ads in 1996 against eventual nominee Bob Dole, who later said the attacks softened him up for the general election.

It has been reported that Bush planned to spend up to $20 million in the early stages of the 2000 primary season on ads that reflect positively on Bush’s record and political philosophy. Forbes is expected to spend at least as much on a mix of ads that will include spots showing a “sharp contrast” between him and Bush.

The positive Bush ads were shown to small groups of Republican voters. Mixed in with the Bush spots were positive ads already aired by Forbes and another rival, Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

The package also included several attack ads, made to look like they were produced by the Forbes campaign, and at least one ad in which Bush responds to negative attacks. The faux Forbes ads attacked Bush on a number of issues, including taxes, education and spending.

None of the mock negative ads included McCain, a signal that Bush believes the senator will keep his promise to run a positive campaign.
