
Van Nuys Airport Noise

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Re “City Limits Number of New, Noisy Van Nuys Jets,” April 19.

The Times’ report of the City Council’s recent yes vote on the Van Nuys Airport non-addition rule suggests that it will actually provide relief for residents in the area who are plagued by the constant noise of jet takeoffs and landings.

Here is an analogy that describes the effects of the non-addition rule: Suppose that someone gets a dog that barks loudly all day and night. The surrounding residents report the noise to the appropriate authorities, and nothing happens. The neighbor adds another barking dog, and so the nearby residents take their complaints to the City Council. After 10 years of inaction, the neighbor now has 20 dogs. Nearby residents cannot enjoy being outside in their own yards and often cannot sleep at night. At this point, the City Council approves a new rule that says the dog owner can’t acquire any more dogs, but, if one of the current 20 dogs dies or is sold before 2011, he can get another one to take its place.

This is not relief at all.


North Hills


Perhaps we the people should file suit against the airport, the [airport] commissioners and the National Business Aviation Assn.--they certainly didn’t conduct an environmental impact study before they allowed jets to fly in and out of Van Nuys Airport and be home-based there! . . . I guess that’s why so many people in this country don’t vote; you just can’t fight the money interests!



