
protein to the people

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Fad diets come and go, but five years after the publication of Barry Sears’ “Enter the Zone,” the high-protein/low-carb diet is still winning acolytes. And like many growing evangelical movements, it now has a meals-on-wheels component: The Delivery Zone is a Los Angeles-based outfit that a year ago began keeping practitioners on the path of righteousness by providing Zone-sanctified meals to home, office or set. (The $424.90 “Seven-Day Package” includes three complete meals and three snacks daily; the $184.50 “Business Package” provides lunch and dinner weekdays.) We tagged along on a recent morning shift with 26-year-old Masa Kanome, who drives “Route I,” which includes the Hollywood Hills and Paramount Studios.


7:40 a.m. Kanome arrives at work, grabs a radio, clipboard and his client list for the day. He loads 14 bags of food, each labeled with client’s name, food enclosed and time of day each item should be consumed, into his boss’ Jeep Grand Cherokee.

7:58 a.m. Kanome arrives at Stop No. 1, a gated community off Canyon Drive, and rings client. No answer. He radios base: “I need the code to get in so I can leave the food at the door.” After a few seconds, base provides code.


8:05 a.m. At a hilltop home, Kanome rings doorbell and heads straight to kitchen. He transfers food packages, including Chinese chicken salad lunch with honeydew and orange roughy dinner, from bag to fridge as client’s pretty blond wife spoon-feeds pretty blond baby in high chair.

8:10 a.m. No answer at next stop. Kanome enters side gate. Garage door, usually open, is locked. Kanome straddles trickling fountain in yard to reach hide-a-key.

8:12 a.m. Kanome places food into Igloo Playmate Plus cooler next to shiny black BMW in garage and returns hide-a-key.


8:22 a.m. Kanome arrives at next destination just as client, a thick, middle-aged man, steps out of black Mercedes. “Good morning, Masa,” the client says, accepting goods. “I just came back from my walk around the lake.”

9:30 a.m. Kanome rings doorbell of modest hillside home. A tall, brunet “Star Trek: Voyager” veteran answers. Kanome hands over chicken salad with grapes instead of honeydew (clients list allergies and dislikes), and pork medallions dinner with red-leaf/cucumber/sprout salad.

10 a.m. Kanome temporarily steps out of the Zone at the Chevron on Sunset and Laurel Canyon boulevards, where he customarily purchases a 99-cent sponge cake and makes a pit stop.


10:15 a.m. A henna-haired production company secretary signs for delivery. Kanome transfers contents into refrigerator. Behind him, a guy surrounded by scripts shouts, “I think the London job sounds interesting.” Another voice bellows: “But I don’t want him to go to London.”

10:40 a.m. The guard recognizes Kanome as he pulls into Gower Gate of Paramount Studios and opens sesame.

10:43 a.m. Kanome walks past cruiser-style bicycles labeled “ ‘Judging Amy’ Transportation” and enters Mae West Building. Receptionist accepts delivery for a show cast member.

10:52 a.m. Kanome returns to the Delivery Zone offices. In his 2 1/2 months on Route I, he has learned that someday he would like to own a house in the Hollywood Hills.
