
Music Sites to End on New Note


If music is the universal language, why not create a universal Internet suffix for the music industry and its fans?

That’s the idea behind “.mu,” a new alternative to .com that will be made available next week.

Musicians, record labels, recording studios, arenas, agents and fans will be able to register Web sites and electronic mail addresses ending in .mu “to stand out from the very cluttered ‘dot-com’ market,” said SamsDirect Internet Chairman David Sams, whose company will offer .mu addresses for up to $50 per year.


The .mu suffix belongs to Mauritius, an island country off the southeast coast of Africa that is one of several countries taking advantage of a convenient two-letter Internet abbreviation.

Sams’ Beverly Hills company already is marketing addresses ending in .tv, which belongs to Tuvalu, and .cc, which belongs to Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
