
Wild Search Holds Its Form Until End

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There were reports of surprise hirings and firings, and talk of alumni flooding the USC athletic department with complaints. Sources said that officials were having a last-second change of heart.

It was, perhaps, a fitting way for the Trojans’ turbulent coaching search to conclude--with a wild, rumor-filled 48 hours.

Most of the rumblings and speculation were untrue, Athletic Director Mike Garrett insisted Friday. But even Garrett had to acknowledge that the days before he hired Pete Carroll were anything but easy.


“Any time you have to make a big choice,” he said, “you get kind of nervous.”

In those last two days, the decision came down to Carroll and San Diego Charger Coach Mike Riley.

Riley was considered the leading candidate but had three years remaining on his contract with the Chargers. He also had second thoughts about uprooting his family.

So, on Wednesday, USC summoned Carroll from his Massachusetts home for another round of interviews.


That evening, an Internet sports site reported that Carroll was set to take the job. Then, an hour later, a San Diego television station said the Chargers were firing Riley, which would free him to go to USC.

Neither report proved true. But that was only a prelude.

On Thursday, various sources said USC had scheduled a news conference to introduce Carroll as the new coach, then canceled the event because of angry reactions from fans who opposed the choice.

One published report had President Steven Sample stepping in to stop the hiring.

Then came reports of more contact with Riley.

Carroll, in the midst of negotiations, had seen this kind of media flurry when he coached in Boston and New York.


“I understand how it works,” he said. “I tried to push the media aside as much as possible. You always want to know what’s being said but you don’t want to dwell on it.”

The full truth might never be known. Garrett wasn’t in the mood to discuss specifics, nor was Carroll.

But sources paint a picture of athletic department officials coming to grips with a tough choice, sweating the decision until the final moment.

At some points, Garrett and his closest advisors swayed toward Riley.

But could they wait for the Chargers’ season to end? Could they deal with Riley’s indecision? And were they willing to haggle with Charger President Dean Spanos?

At other times, the mood shifted to Carroll, even though they knew his hiring would draw criticism from the media and fans.

There was even talk of stepping back, taking a deep breath and bringing in other candidates, sources said.


Garrett said only that he needed time to decide.

“You have to feel it in your gut,” he said. “Who do you feel best about?”

Said Associate Athletic Director Daryl Gross: “These are the things you sleep on. Then you wake up and go at it again.”

There were more meetings, more discussions among USC officials, the coach and his agent. The announcement was finally made on Friday morning.

“All of a sudden it was over,” Carroll said. “And it was a good feeling.”
