
2 Colleges Pitch for Bush Library

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From Associated Press

President-elect George W. Bush hasn’t even moved into the White House, but that hasn’t stopped two Texas universities from lobbying for his presidential library.

Southern Methodist University in Dallas is the latest to enter the mix, joining Baylor University. The Waco school began making a push for the library in September, months before the election was decided.

“We will make a good-faith effort to bring the library here,” SMU spokeswoman Patti LaSalle told the Waco Herald-Tribune in Monday’s editions.


Bush spokesman Ray Sullivan called the lobbying efforts a bit premature. Bush will be inaugurated Jan. 20.

Bush’s wife, Laura, graduated from SMU and serves on the university’s board of trustees, and Vice President-elect Dick Cheney served four years on the SMU board of trustees.

Baylor gave Bush, a Yale graduate, an honorary doctorate in 1998 and named Laura Bush an honorary alumna. The president-elect’s Crawford ranch, soon to be his only residence outside the White House, is about 35 miles from Baylor.


His father’s presidential library is at Texas A&M; University.
