
Advisor Named to New Chile Cabinet Post

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Jose De Gregorio, 40, currently a visiting professor at UCLA’s Anderson School, has been named minister of economy, mining and energy by Chile’s new president, Ricardo Lagos. De Gregorio, who is on temporary assignment from the University of Chile, was an advisor to Lagos during his successful election bid in January. De Gregorio will occupy a new post that combines three former cabinet positions, part of a fulfillment of Lagos’ promise to streamline government. De Gregorio, who has a doctorate in economics from MIT, is a specialist in economic development and international economics. He is one of a host of new faces in the cabinet, including five women. Lagos beat rightist rival Joaquin Lavin in a Jan. 16 run-off to become Chile’s first socialist president since Salvador Allende was overthrown in 1973. Since the election, Lagos has been trying to calm the fears of domestic and international business leaders that he would reverse the extensive market-based reforms Chile has undertaken over the last two decades. Lagos has said, however, that he might propose changing Chile’s labor law to give workers more job security, benefits and other rights. Although Chile’s economy is rebounding, the country still suffers from high unemployment.
