
Here’s the Inside Scoop on Women’s Jacket Pockets

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F rom the Fashion Police Blotter: We never know what is going to be the next hot-button issue. Who knew that it would be inside pockets in women’s jackets? After a letter last week from a reader who was frustrated at her inability to find jackets with such pockets, we were flooded (OK, maybe not flooded, but we did get a lot of e-mail, faxes and letters) from other women with the same problem. Evidently a lot of you would like inside pockets in your jackets, despite our observation that objects in those pockets were extremely uncomfortable. But, hey--what do we know? We’re only the Fashion Police.

We thought we’d share some of your thoughts:

“I want to go on record as saying that I think inside pockets are a necessity. I have been buying men’s jackets and having the shoulders and sleeves altered to fit me, just so I can have those pockets. I am not large-busted, so maybe that helps, but I hardly ever carry a purse anymore. I do load up my pockets with my Palm Pilot, a money clip, a few credit cards, a small pen, business cards and Kleenex. The rest of the ‘lady’ stuff is in my makeup bag under the front seat of the car for touch-ups. I love the freedom of not worrying about where I left my handbag, and it also makes for much easier socializing at receptions and things.”

“You must be kidding. Why would any serious business woman want to come tripping into a meeting with a purse? It is pretty obvious that you have no clue about the professional world of business with that dumb suggestion. Women’s suits should have interior pockets. Period.”


“Last year on my annual pre-Thanksgiving trip to Gelson’s market in Newport Beach, I saw what may be an alternative solution to the inconvenience of not having a suit jacket pocket. On this particular occasion, I happened to see a 60-ish lady, the obvious product of numerous youth-preserving surgical procedures, not the least of which, I suspect, was accountable for her quite ample cleavage. While checking off grocery items on her list, she was able to utilize this cleavage as a pen holder as she went from broccoli to carrots to onions. The grocery clerks seemed to admire this creative act on her part.”

“Lumps, schlumps. An unused pocket doesn’t make a lump. Fashion designers, please give us the option of using the pockets instead of, or in addition to, handbags. Handbags often promote poor posture and aching muscles. Handbags also jeopardize women’s safety by exposing them to purse snatchings.”

“Please count me in as one woman who would love it if manufacturers would add inside pockets to women’s jackets. My favorite jacket is a man’s vintage jacket that has a pocket. I am well-endowed and do not find it to be a problem. I carry a small notebook and a pen, neither of which has an ‘ouch’ in them. Good thoughts come to writers at odd moments, and some need to be jotted down, or they’re lost forever. Just because women have been used to carrying things around in a bag for hundreds of years is not a reason to continue being pocket-less. Women have been used to doing a lot of things for hundreds of years that we may not still be willing to do.”


A few readers sent in these suggestions for finding jackets that have inside pockets; they’re mostly travel wardrobe catalogs and Web sites:

* TravelSmith, (800) 950-1600;

* Norm Thompson, (800) 547-1160;

* Orvis, (800) 541-3541;

* Master Design, (800) 44-MASTER;

Write to Fashion Police, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, fax to (213) 237-4888, or send e-mail to
