
Honduran Fans Protest Loss to Peru

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Riot police had to be called to the Orange Bowl on Saturday night after hundreds of angry Honduran fans stormed the field and tried to attack game officials in protest of their team’s 5-3 loss to Peru in the Gold Cup.

More than 50 fans were arrested, and baton-wielding police had to charge the stands to subdue rioters who were pelting them from above with seats, bottles and other debris.

Several of those arrested were handled roughly by police officers, some of whom were seen stepping on and kicking prone protesters on the field while trying to subdue and handcuff them.


Peru was leading, 5-3, when the game was called with three minutes to play after referee Mario Sanchez of Chile ejected two of Honduras’ top players, Carlos Pavon and Milton Reyes.

The incident began when Sanchez disallowed a goal by Pavon. The player kicked the ball high into the stands in anger and was red-carded. In the ensuing protest, the Honduran bench emptied and charged Sanchez, who was then bumped by Reyes.

Reyes was ejected and the fans invaded the field. The teams ran for their locker rooms and police and security personnel ran out to protect Sanchez and his assistant referees, leading them to safety.


Fans then turned their anger on the police.

Although there already were at least four dozen uniformed officers on the field, reinforcements were called in. Sirens and flashing red and blue lights soon ringed the Orange Bowl and a helicopter circled the stadium, but order eventually was restored and the stadium was emptied.
