
National Sales Tax


* Re “Feinstein, Campbell Disagree on Income Tax,” June 25: Rep. Tom Campbell has the right idea. Our current income tax system is incredibly wasteful, inefficient and unfair. Politicians like it because it allows them to give away benefits (tax breaks) to large donors. Those who suffer the most under our system are the middle and lower classes, who never even see a third of their income--it is taken out of their wages for federal and state income and payroll taxes before the paycheck is written.

These income taxes are built into the cost of every object we buy. If the income tax were abolished, the cost of every item purchased would go down. The sales tax would be paid on the new lower price. The net cost to the consumer might be about the same, but the consumer would know how much of it was taxes (which is another reason politicians don’t like the idea of a national sales tax replacing the income tax).


Eagle Rock
