


Blast from the Past: “New York ad agencies say the 1980s are back with designer logos, big hair, polka-dots, wealth, greed and consumer excess. Help is on the way. History proves that if anything can kill it, it’s a Bush in the White House.” (Argus Hamilton)

Playing Favorites: “Al Gore said his favorite movie of all time is ‘National Lampoon’s Vacation.’ You know what George W. Bush’s favorite movie of all time is? ‘Clueless.’ ” (Andrew Wisot)

Win Some, Lose Some: “According to the latest census figures, one of the places with the fastest-growing population is Nevada. The place losing the most? Death row in Texas.” (Jay Leno)


Sound of Music: “Scientists are examining the effects music has on the brain. For example, how an old love song can evoke vivid memories or how a rousing upbeat song can inspire intense euphoria . . . or how a Michael Bolton song can induce severe vomiting.” (Alex Kaseberg)

Royal Ways: “Prince Charles told friends he’s worried about Prince William because all he likes to do now is chase girls and party. He said William is too immature for world leadership. They can either send him to Australia to work on a sheep farm or send him to America to run for president.” (Hamilton)


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