
Campbell Still Trails Feinstein in Funds


With a relentless schedule of fund-raisers, Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Tom Campbell has raised almost as much money in recent months as Democratic incumbent Dianne Feinstein but remains far behind her in the critical category of campaign cash on hand.

Indeed, the candidates’ reports to the Federal Election Commission, released Monday, show Feinstein has an advantage of almost 3 to 1 over the San Jose congressman in money left over after expenses: Feinstein reported more than $3.1 million, Campbell, $1.15 million.

Both campaigns have reported difficulty raising money--Campbell because he is widely viewed as an underdog and Feinstein because her supporters have a hard time believing she needs much for a campaign against him.


Adding to Campbell’s difficulty is the fund-raising success enjoyed by Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the presumptive GOP nominee for president.

“God bless the guy for being as effective as he has been,” Campbell’s campaign spokesman, Sean Walsh, said of Bush. “But the fact is, he has been a campaign vacuum cleaner the likes we have not seen in this state in a generation,” he added, alluding to the earlier fund-raising prowess of former President Reagan.

The situation could not be more unlike Feinstein’s last campaign six years ago, when she and her Republican opponent, then-Rep. Michael Huffington, battled in what became the costliest U.S. Senate race in history. Feinstein’s campaign eventually spent $14 million, eking out a victory over the multimillionaire Huffington, who spent nearly $30 million, almost all of it his own money. By this time in 1994, in fact, Huffington already had spent more than $6 million of his own money, mostly on a media blitz attacking Feinstein.

This time around, Feinstein’s fund-raising remains about even with her 1994 pace. According to her elections commission reports, the former San Francisco mayor has raised almost $8 million, $3.2 million of it this year and $1.5 million of it in the most recent reporting period, covering April through June.

Campbell has raised about $3.5 million, two-thirds of it this year and one third of it from April through June.

Though Feinstein has been busy with fund-raisers, including a recent Beverly Hills event featuring President Clinton, her schedule has been nowhere near as frenetic as Campbell’s. In the most recent reporting period, Campbell was on hand for at least three dozen campaign fund-raisers in California and Washington, D.C.


The schedule of fund-raisers and public appearances may have handed Feinstein a campaign issue: A recent tally showed that Campbell missed about half the roll call votes this year, more than any other House member.

Feinstein’s campaign manager, Kam Kuwata, said he will concentrate on maintaining her financial advantage as insurance against any tightening of the race--although recent polls have shown her leading Campbell by as much as 26 points.

“I take all of this seriously, whether it is a 26-point lead or a 6-point lead,” Kuwata said Monday. “Our No. 1 opponent is complacency.”

Walsh said Campbell’s lack of funds is “clearly a concern,” especially in buying advertising. He added, “$1 million will prime the pump, but we certainly need much more money to dethrone Sen. Feinstein.”
