
Producers of What?


So producer Rodney Jenkins claims he and his cohorts are making “the most exciting music ever” (“The Wizards of Pop,” June 4). You’ve got to be kidding. The only thing sadder than today’s disposable, faceless music is the fact that so many young people are missing out on the chance to truly connect with an artist’s vision.

Thankfully, my 9-year-old daughter has grown quite fond of bands such as the Beatles, Badfinger, Big Star, Wilco and the Jayhawks. I didn’t force the music down her throat, just exposed it to her--mostly in the car CD player. When she asks me why Jeff Tweedy always sounds so sad, or to play “September Gurls” over and over again, I smile to myself; she’s getting “it.” Music can be so much more than a producer’s quest to sell units and make $$$.


