
Population Growth


* Re “Wasting the Land,” June 4.

The Save Open Space and Agricultural Resources (SOAR) measures are not the enemy. We are. Too many of us want to live in the same space at the same time.

Of course, as this article cautions, we need to utilize “smart growth” in dealing with new development. But the real problem--one we don’t seem to want to talk about--is the ongoing population expansion in our state and county.

The land in Ventura County is limited, our natural resources are limited. Land-use options are further limited by the quality of life we desire in our communities. It is surely obvious that there is some limit to our growth no matter how many want to live here. The frontier was tamed long ago and the philosophy of unending expansion is no longer appropriate. Continued population increases ultimately lower everyone’s quality of life.


Whatever the roadblocks, be they misguided state law mandating growth accommodation or profit-driven development pressures, we need to establish realistic growth limits and stick with them.

Asking for these limits is not elitist, rather it is our solemn duty to protect our communities.


