
John McCain


In an era of political conformity, John McCain reminds us that not all politicians are bootlicking cowards afraid to walk out of step with their party’s leadership. When his Republican colleagues in the Senate begged him to quit pushing for campaign reform, he ran for president and made the issue his cornerstone. His attacks on pork-barrel spending aroused the ire of just about everyone in Washington, yet he refused to cease his assault on “pet projects.” When tobacco companies in South Carolina showered money on George W. Bush, McCain said he was proud not to receive their support.

McCain’s candidacy has resonated across the political spectrum because it stands for a renunciation of the “that’s how it’s always been done” mentality. The Republican establishment has rallied behind his more docile, malleable opponent. On Super Tuesday the establishment appears to have finally silenced this maverick. Perhaps the shortsightedness of this decision will be acknowledged when Al Gore wins in November, but most likely it won’t be.


Los Angeles


Thanks a load, Republicans. Here I was all set to vote for one of your own this November for the first time. Instead, I’m left to choose between two drawling boomers, one who claimed credit for the Internet, the other who needs help pronouncing the word “nuclear.”


Still, y’all probably figure that this “right-minded independent” will likely just hold his nose and vote for your particular front man. I don’t think so right now. If McCain isn’t somewhere on the ballot, I’m going to hold my nose and vote for the other empty suit.


Santa Monica


Bill Press claimed in his March 8 column that Bush has won primaries not because he is a good campaigner but, among other reasons, because he has surrogates do his attack campaigning for him. To that I have only two words: James Carville.




I was very disappointed that Bush won many primaries and caucuses. In my opinion, McCain was the candidate who was the most honest, caring and motivated to help our nation improve. From his years when he was POW in Hanoi, McCain showed that he was a man of integrity. The White House could have used that.


