
Juan Gonzalez


If the face of communism is Juan Miguel Gonzalez, we should have no fear. It is the faces of thugs--Lazaro Gonzalez comes to mind--that this country must be vigilant against. He became a quivering coward at the sight of others tougher than he. Afterward, he reverted back to his former stance. I can only surmise that he and the sickly girl are angling for book deals and Oprah.

With people like this driving the stance of the U.S. policy toward Cuba through several of their cronies in Congress, it is quite apparent the time is now to end the Cuban embargo.

I am ashamed to be a Republican. The leaders of the party, George W. Bush, Rep. Tom DeLay, Sens. Trent Lott, Connie Mack and Bob Smith, are so far off base on this issue it is pathetic. This was about kidnapping by the Cuban relatives after the father wished for the return of Elian.



Simi Valley


How many more years is the Republican Party going to play wet nurse to an arrogant, out-of-control Cuban American community?


Newport Beach


I’m not a Republican, but I must say that only Bill Clinton could justify his defiance of the law by spinning the tale that he was really upholding the law. What’s tragic is that two-thirds of the American public have bought it. These two-thirds are now parroting the administration’s official line that Clinton and Atty. Gen. Janet Reno had “no choice.” How’s that, when they could have chosen to respect the separation of powers and their own constitutional limits? Custody is not a federal matter, and this isn’t merely my opinion; it’s what the federal courts have repeatedly ruled. But our president can’t be bothered with such distinctions. And neither, apparently, can the majority of Americans, who claim our president has the right to order military-style raids on private homes occupied by people accused of no crimes.

But he didn’t have the right; he merely had the power. There’s a difference--one that most Americans used to understand.


North Hollywood
