
Presidential Race


Watching Sen. John McCain’s “endorsement” of Gov. George W. Bush (May 10), it occurred to me that, however unwillingly, Luke Skywalker has succumbed to the dark side of the Force.


Los Angeles


Personally, I don’t care if Bush is endorsed by the Dalai Lama. His involvement with the NRA and his compadres on the right are what concern me. I just wonder how that taste of dirty water McCain had to swallow will affect his well-being.




Re “Bush Leads Gore as the Democratic Base Falters,” Times Poll, May 10: The problem is that my fellow Democrats do not understand, as the Republicans do, that in the presidential race you vote for the party, not for the man.


In electing Bush, the Republicans know that they won’t have to worry about this dull, lackluster man’s inability; they understand that they will place their party in power, filling thousands of government positions with Republicans, having a Republican Cabinet, Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices and a national administration committed to guns, school prayer, school vouchers and to ending abortions and financial help for those in need.

Democrats just don’t get it. In turning their backs on Al Gore they are not withholding votes from a rather stiff, stuffy man, they are turning their backs on all of the social values and all of the church/state separation issues in which they believe.


Corona del Mar


I switched from Gore to Bush because I trust Bush to reform education. I have five children in public schools. I’m appalled with the lousy curriculum. Our public schools have turned their backs on the learning that made America great. I worry about whether my children will learn even basic skills.

I used to support Democrats for their emphasis on education, but this time around I want a different choice. I believe that Bush has the best ideas to fix what’s fundamentally wrong with schools. Gore is just a captive of the teachers unions that would never feel they had enough money, even if I gave them my whole paycheck.

Bush’s education plan is not just the key to his success; I believe it is the key to our country’s future.


Los Angeles


Prediction: George W. will win in November and serve one four-year term. Like his father before him, he will be defeated after four dismal years in office by a Clinton, this time Hillary Rodham Clinton, who will occupy the White House for eight years.





Considering the fact that the Clinton administration has taken campaign contributions from the Red Chinese Army and the fact that we may be soon embroiled in a military confrontation with Red China over Taiwan, a Bush presidency with the full blessing of Charlton Heston and the NRA is sounding pretty good. I can’t imagine a wimp like Gore trying to stare down the Red Chinese any better than our hapless boy president getting in there and trying to act tough. Thank God this period of stupidity in our history is about to end.




Now, here’s a thought. A George W. presidency and a Republican-controlled Congress. Yikes!


Long Beach
