
Name That Company


My history can be traced back to Eastman Dry Plate Co. in 1881. My founder aimed to simplify photography with mass production at a low cost. In 1883, he introduced film in rolls, followed by an 1888 camera preloaded with enough film for 100 exposures. It cost $25, and developing cost an additional $10. By 1900, my new and popular Brownie sold for a mere dollar.

Today, I’m the world’s largest photography company, with annual sales of more than $10 billion generated in more than 150 nations. I’m developing digital imaging and Internet photo services, and I also serve the health-care industry and Hollywood. Who am I?


Know the answer? Send it to us with “Fool Trivia” written at the top and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a nifty prize!



Last Week’s Trivia Answer

I celebrated my 100th birthday this year. My 45,000-plus employees grow and harvest trees; manufacture, distribute and sell forest products, including logs, wood chips, building products, pulp and paper; and engage in real estate construction and development. I’m the world’s largest private owner of marketable softwood timber, and I’m also the top forest products exporter in the United States. I’m based in Washington state, and I raked in more than $12 billion last year. Bet you can’t pronounce my name. Who am I?


Answer: Weyerhaeuser

(ticker symbol: WY)
