
Think Snow: Club Med Heads for Colorado


Club Med may conjure up visions of sea and sailing, but the resort chain also runs 26 ski villages in Europe, one in Japan and one in the U.S. (Club Med Copper Mountain, 90 miles west of Denver, since 1981). Now it plans to open a second U.S. ski venue, Club Med Crested Butte Family Ski Resort, 30 minutes from Gunnison, Colo.

As the name indicates, the resort will cater to families; effective this season, Copper Mountain will switch from a family village to one catering to adults. Prices include lodging, meals, wine and beer with lunch and dinner, lift tickets, ski and snowboard lessons and entertainment. Ski rentals are extra. Weeklong packages at Crested Butte will average $1,642 per adult with air from L.A., a spokeswoman said. Tel. (800) 258-2633.
