
Thanks to Theater Group, Students’ Stories Are Told


Thank you for the wonderful article “A Shocking Lyricism” (Aug. 27). As the administrator of the Playwrights in the Schools program, I’m very proud of the talented and imaginative student writers at Canoga Park High School, and of playwright-teacher Susan Rubin, who refuses to allow a single student to slip through the cracks.

A.S.K. Theater Projects makes this program available to schools free of charge. Five schools from the L.A. area are participating, including Westchester, Venice, King-Drew, and Monterey high schools. Thanks to the work of dedicated artists like Rubin, 250 students each semester discover that their stories matter.


Los Angeles


We need more people like Susan

Rubin! We need to pay attention to kids! I went to high school at El Camino Real in Woodland Hills, which is the No. 1 school in the L.A. Unified School District. The scary part is if El Camino is No. 1, I can’t imagine how other schools are in the LAUSD.


Basically, it had lots of problems--especially with teachers who hated their jobs and didn’t teach properly. Adults, especially teachers, have a lot to learn from Rubin. They should read the article.


Woodland Hills
