
Why Not a White Supremacist Club?


* Re “No Place for Institutional Bias” (Orange County Perspective, Sept. 12):

If your editorial is “School boards simply cannot pick and choose which nonacademic clubs can meet outside of the school curiculum” and “any form of prejudice” is unacceptable, then you must also support a NAMBLA Club, whose purpose would be “to promote acceptance and understanding” of man-boy love. Or how about a White Supremacist Club, whose purpose is to “promote acceptance and understanding” of white race superiority?

Some clubs are not appropriate on campus, and the Orange Unified School District believed that a Gay-Straight Alliance club was sex-oriented and therefore not acceptable.

I disagree that the OUSD was creating institutional discrimination against homosexuality. It was excluding sex-oriented clubs on campus, and would have also denied a heterosexual club that wanted to “promote acceptance and understanding” of promiscuity.



Garden Grove
