
Anti-Vulgarians Reject Raunch and Ruin for More Civilized Discourse


It is worth noting that there is also a reverse flow to the “rising tide of vulgarity” (“Snorkeling in the Cesspool,” by Patrick J. Kiger, Aug. 20). Some of the marvelous riches of our cultural heritage are beginning to seep back into the mass media. A popular book on corporate management refers to a medieval invasion from the Russian steppes. A mechanic in a car ad knows the natural history of the coelacanth. Even Dennis Miller draws an analogy to “Beowulf” on Monday Night Football. From Aladdin to Xena, interest in ancient myth is being revitalized.

Wendy Torrance Padgett



It’s good to know that vulgarity is alive and well. The mothers of Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla and Daniel Kellison--the men behind “The Man Show”--must be very proud of their sons. What a fine example for these men to leave their children! They say that the world is not perfect. How can it ever be, when vulgarity, filth, disrespect and meretricious behavior keep us down in the dunghill and living in the Dark Ages?

D.S. Poltorak

Los Angeles


Rude? Crude? Breathtakingly vulgar? Sure. But who cares? You do have the power to tune it out. What is truly obscene is the fact that the world spends hundreds of billions of dollars per year on weapons, while 40,000 children die of hunger every day.


Tanja Winter

La Jolla


I don’t care to see someone take a urine bath or listen to a talk-show host babble on about women’s genitalia. Perhaps I am one of the last citizens of this nation who cares to keep things civilized and above the navel in conversation and entertainment.

Sandra Vaughan

