
Croat Nationalists Move to Seize Barracks in Central Bosnia

Associated Press

Stepping up efforts to create a separate Croat ministate in Bosnia, ethnic Croat nationalists Thursday moved to seize two army barracks, challenging the authority of the Muslim-Croat government, officials said.

The peace agreement that ended Bosnia-Herzegovina’s 1992-95 war created two ministates: a Muslim-Croat Federation and the Republika Srpska, a Bosnian Serb republic. The Croatian Democratic Union, or HDZ, last month declared its intention to break away and form a third ministate for Bosnian Croats.

Col. Josip Stojak, a former hard-line Bosnian Croat army commander who deserted his barracks in central Bosnia last week, returned Thursday with Croat war veterans and challenged Col. Marinko Palavra, installed by the pro-Western Muslim-Croat Federation government in Sarajevo, Bosnia’s capital.


Palavra said NATO-led peacekeepers were mediating between him and Stojak over control of the barracks.
