
Clean Up Your Act


“It’s Potty Time” (editorial, July 26) really struck a nerve with me. More than once I have had to pay for something in order to use the “customer only” bathroom. I know others who have had to do the same thing. Los Angeles is probably one of the most bathroom-unfriendly places I have ever been. I have traveled through Europe and Egypt. One thing that seems to be common in most large cities from London to Cairo is attendants in the bathrooms. They ask at the door for a small amount of money from each person. In turn you get a clean, pleasant place to take care of Mother Nature’s call.

Sometimes, when things don’t work here, we need to look at other nations and cultures and see how they handle the problem. As Winston Churchill said: “After Americans have tried everything else, they can always be counted on to do the right thing.”

Gavin Richardson

Long Beach
