
GOP Calls for Probe of Energy Decisions

From a Times Staff Writer

Republicans called on Democratic leaders of the Legislature on Wednesday to make a bipartisan investigation of Gov. Gray Davis’ decisions and actions related to the energy crisis.

Last summer’s investigation of former Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush by the Assembly was a model of bipartisan cooperation that should be repeated now, the Republicans said.

The appeal for an energy-related probe was made by GOP floor leaders Jim Brulte (R-Rancho Cucamonga) in the Senate and Dave Cox (R-Fair Oaks) in the Assembly. It was sent to Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) and Speaker Bob Hertzberg (D-Sherman Oaks) of the Assembly.


Brulte said it was time for the Legislature to make a “dispassionate” investigation of the governor’s actions and decisions in dealing with the energy emergency, many of them controversial.

Their appeal was brushed aside by Burton and received an ambivalent response from Hertzberg.
