
Public Art in Moorpark


In reviewing Kevin Sherry’s article on Moorpark’s new public art piece, I have not been able to locate an artist associated with this project.

The article states that Moorpark has an ordinance that requires developers to contribute to the city’s public art fund. It appears that an initial design put forward by the developer was considered “abstract and silly looking” by members of the City Council and the assistant city manager.

The city then went shopping for a design that would fit its safe-and-sane sensibilities. Something that would “present the community in a nice, coordinated perspective.” While I commend city officials for having a public art program, they could benefit from broadening their perspective by encouraging input from many artists.


A faux rock pond and waterfall will be a nice “tranquil” addition to the shopping center. Modeling a $100,000 project after something the mayor has in his backyard is probably a good idea. I’m sure it won’t cause any controversy, unlike most public art.

Good luck to Moorpark in its future endeavors, but maybe next time it should expand its horizons.

Denise Sindelar

