
In Gods We Trust


The city of West Hollywood declared Sunday, Oct. 7, Pagan Day in recognition of the Second Annual Pagan Day Fest. The one-day festival in West Hollywood Park featured a witches’ brew of magicians, vendors, authors and occult go-go dancers who gathered to celebrate nontraditional faiths and have some fun.

Donald Leidinger, 40, bouncer and book dealer, West Hills

What’s a pagan?

A human who understands their desires and how they work in this world.

How did pagans get such a bad rap?

When the bully owns the printing press, guess what the copy is?

Who’s your favorite pagan deity?

Ganesha, the elephant-headed entity in Hinduism. It’s the god of intelligence and remover of obstacles.

History’s pagans: Who had the most fun?

The Hindus. They had an advanced, deep, mature civilization based on stuff that Europeans began to lose 1,500 years ago.


Why did so many pagan civilizations have pyramids?

It’s a very simple, stable architectural style.

How do the fairy folk stay so well hidden?

What do you mean, hidden?

Micah Medway, 31, picture framer, North Hollywood

What’s a pagan?

As a pagan-friendly Christian, I’d say it’s someone who embraces the natural side of life.

How did pagans get such a bad rap?

In the Dark Ages, conservative religious movements opposed any occult belief.

Favorite pagan deity?

The Egyptian gods and goddesses. They just always appealed to me, even when I was young.

How do the fairy folk stay so well hidden?

They wear green. They’re nearly extinct.

Benin Delu, 60-plus, retired importer/exporter, Los Angeles

What’s a pagan?

Those who believe in the four forces--earth, air, water and fire.

How did pagans get such a bad rap?

The Western world decided to give it something it’s not.

Favorite pagan deity?

The goddess Yemoja and the god Olokun. They are the tide in the sea. When one is coming, the other is going.

History’s pagans: Who had the most fun?

Shango, the god of fire. He’s really attractive to women.

Why did so many pagan civilizations have pyramids?

Before Christianity, there were many religions.

How do the fairy folk stay so well hidden?

They can hide in the forest, in a tree and in the water.

Lisa Derrick, Age “immortal,” freelance writer, West Hollywood

What’s a pagan?

A pagan finds god everywhere, anywhere and nowhere.

How did pagans get such a bad rap?

Lack of understanding on the part of the general public.

Favorite pagan deity?

Ain Soph Aur. Kabala explains it all.

History’s pagans: Who had the most fun?

They all did, but everyone is someone’s pagan.

Why did so many pagan civilizations have pyramids?

Because so many rulers are pinheads.

How do the fairy folk stay so well hidden?

They sleep under fire hydrants.
