
JDL Actions Mirror Terrorism Worldwide


Re “JDL Leader Accused in Mosque Bomb Plot,” Dec. 13: As an American, I am appalled and outraged that fellow citizens [allegedly] would plan to hatefully attack a mosque and an elected official of Middle Eastern descent. As a Jew, I am equally appalled, outraged and terribly ashamed that a few so-called coreligionists would so disgrace Jews everywhere.

Stuart Bernstein

Santa Monica


A terrorist is a terrorist, whether he is flying a plane into the World Trade Center or attaching bombs to his body and blowing up innocent children, teens and families in Jerusalem. I am sorry I have to add, now, or planning to bomb a mosque in Los Angeles. The only good thing I can say about the Jewish Defense League is that very few Jews agree with its methods.

Tobi Ruth Love

Thousand Oaks


The JDL was just accused of trying to blow up the mosque where my children and I go to pray. Why doesn’t your article mention the word “terrorist” in connection with JDL leaders? Why doesn’t your article raise the issue of whether the JDL will be considered a terrorist organization and have its membership lists reviewed by the FBI and its assets frozen? Shouldn’t its Web site at least be blocked, the way the Hamas or the Hezbollah Web sites are? What about these fellows, Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel? Will these guys be charged as terrorists?


Will they be held indefinitely, without bail and in an undisclosed location, until tried and convicted? Will they be tried by a military tribunal for terrorists? How do we know there aren’t “sleeper cells” of the JDL planning to kill more innocent civilians? Let’s see if American justice is all it’s cracked up to be! Let’s see if a known non-Muslim terrorist, caught in the act, will be treated better or worse than the 1,000-plus Muslim male “witnesses” and “non-suspects” who have been detained. The world is watching.

Amman Khan

Los Angeles


If the allegations about Rubin are true, he is guilty of desecrating the name of God. Judaism’s way is the way of peace: “For all its ways are pleasantness and all its paths are peace.” If Rubin, like his mentor Meir Kahane, worships a God of vengeance, he has separated himself from the community.

Aryeh Cohen

Los Angeles
