
Flying Through Britain With Harry Potter


A 10-day tour of Britain that visits sites featured in the movie “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is being offered in spring and summer by a veteran European tour company.

In England, the tour includes the London Zoo’s reptile house, Christchurch College in Oxford (the Hogwarts dining room), Lacock Abbey (Hogwarts’ classrooms and Professor Snape’s laboratory) and Alnwick Castle, where the Quidditch games and flying classes were filmed. It ends in Edinburgh, Scotland, and includes a visit to one of the cafes where J.K. Rowling wrote the book on which the film is based.

The tour leaves on four dates. The price is $1,960 per person, double, for the March 23 and March 30 departures, and $2,390 for June 23 and July 21. The price includes round-trip air fare from L.A., lodging, bus transport, some meals, tips, taxes and service charges. (Departures are available from other U.S. cities.) Contact a travel agent or Image Tours Inc. in Grand Rapids, Mich., (800) 964-3170,
