
Arab League Decries Veto of U.N. Resolution


The Arab League voiced astonishment and concern Sunday at the U.S. decision to veto a U.N. resolution calling for international monitors to help curb violence between Israel and the Palestinians.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa “expressed his astonishment and intense concern that the United States employed its right of veto,” said a statement by the league, which is based in Cairo.

Moussa said the resolution was “balanced and objective.”

The resolution, sponsored by Egypt and Tunisia and amended by France, encouraged “all concerned to establish a monitoring mechanism” to help ease conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


The resolution--vetoed by the United States on Saturday--also condemned all terrorist acts, executions without trial, excessive use of force and the destruction of property.

It was proposed amid one of the most violent periods in the 14 1/2-month Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.
