
Memories of Gable


Joe Hyams’ tribute to Clark Gable warmed my heart (“A Man’s Man Off the Screen Too,” Jan. 28). Growing up and watching him in “Gone With the Wind,” among many other movies, I always knew I was watching a real man, not like the male so-called “stars” of today--Matt Dillon, Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, et al.

Will they eventually grow up and outgrow their teenage audiences, or fade away? Funny, I was a teenager when Gable was in his heyday and I never outgrew him--he was the personification of what a star should be. I don’t think we will see his like again--at least in my lifetime.


Cherry Valley


I want to congratulate Hyams on a warm and tender commentary on a wonderful and very gracious man.


My father, Earl Theisen, was a photographer whose photos appeared in Look magazine. I rode along with Dad on many trips to Gable’s home on Petit Avenue. As a gangly, timid, freckle-faced 13-year-old, I can remember feeling welcome and “special” whenever we were at his house. He was truly a superstar in real life.


Agoura Hills


Hyams gave us a useful exploration of one of the great stars of his (or any other actor’s) time. His read on Gable is neither fawning nor mean. His comments on Gable’s wives are generous but plausible.

I began making films when Gable was the biggest male star in the world. I never worked with him but met him once, as I was leaving the theater after the premiere of “Ben-Hur.” I was working through the crowd in the lobby when I realized Gable was beside me, equally encumbered.

“That’s a hell of a movie,” he said. “You did a fine job.” “Thanks,” I stuttered as the crowd parted us.

Hyams is right. None of us since Gable can match him. He was, indeed, the King.


Beverly Hills
