
‘Right’ Humor


* Who says the right is humorless? In “Veneman Recuses Herself on Sierra Nevada Proposal” (Feb. 17) you quote Barbara Ferguson, co-chairwoman of the Sierra Nevada Access, Multiple Use and Stewardship Coalition, as saying, “What we have right now is too many trees--many, many, many too many trees.” (This, of course, is a modern variation of the old Ronald Reagan one-liner, “If you’ve seen one redwood you’ve seen them all.”) She goes on to explain how cutting down trees prevents wildfires and that having too many trees is bad for people who wish to use the forests.

In your article on New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s objection to a photograph at the Brooklyn Museum of Art depicting Jesus as a nude black woman (Feb. 17), Pentecostal Christian and middle school art teacher Everton McIntyre tells us that “[photographer Renee Cox] being nude bothers me. Jesus was never nude.” (As my wife pointed out, he was certainly never photographed nude.) Great stuff. I wish their agenda was as funny. Maybe it is, but I’m still waiting for the punch line.


