
Calemine Conflict


Re “LAFCO Chief May Have to Register as Lobbyist,” Feb. 17.

This article pinpointed Larry Calemine, the full-time official in charge of the San Fernando Valley secession issue, and his apparent built-in conflicts of interest. These involve representing clients on zoning actions within Los Angeles. These actions resulted in our city’s Ethics Commission notifying Calemine that his outside involvements in zoning actions within the city appear to classify him as a paid lobbyist, and as such he must so register with the city.

Calemine has . . . said, in effect, “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust me?”

Calemine’s consulting fees are, of course, in addition to his $100,000-a-year full-time [Local Agency Formation Commission] salary.

Calemine should be removed as head of this LAFCO study and replaced by a person who is not weighed down with such potential conflict-of-interest baggage. Otherwise, the final product will result in countless time-consuming, expensive and divisive litigation.


Above all, remember that “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion.”


Van Nuys
