
Farmers Market


I was interested in your Jan. 1 article concerning expansion of Farmers Market and the addition of luxury apartment buildings in the area. As a resident of Park La Brea, I noted particularly that certain “mitigation measures” will be taken to deal with expected traffic problems, but nowhere was there any indication that 3rd Street will be widened to accommodate what will certainly be substantial additional traffic.

So far, there have been several days when construction has forced one-lane travel on 3rd Street in the Park La Brea area between Burnside and Fairfax avenues, and it is a nightmare, causing up to 10-minute delays. I shudder to think what will happen when both the Farmers Market expansion and residential construction start going full bore.

It is sad when greed masquerades as “progress.” There are enough department stores and movie theaters within a one-mile radius of the proposed expansion to satisfy anyone. We do not need more cineplexes and shopping malls. We need just a modicum of charm--which Farmers Market provides--in this increasingly uncivilized world.



Los Angeles
