
Linda Chavez


* Linda Chavez, withdrawing from consideration for Labor secretary, decries “search and destroy” politics (Jan. 10). May the politics of searching for liars and destroying hypocrites be relentlessly applied to all of President-elect George W. Bush’s nominees.


Los Angeles


It is a shame that our country has lost the talents of Chavez. On Tuesday I saw a woman of intelligence, confidence, integrity; truly, she is a “compassionate conservative.”


Apple Valley


What a shame that Chavez was caught up as a casualty of this political war. It’s disheartening to see that some Democrats stoop to the politics endured by the Clinton administration for the last eight years vis-a-vis Newt Gingrich and the like. But in politics, as in most things, we all know “what goes around comes around.”





I have always wanted to be a Democrat; however, it is difficult to figure out what they stand for. They have destroyed Chavez for housing an illegal citizen and strongly defended a president for lying under oath. Their rationale for defending the president was that his personal life is not our business; however, it appears that there is a different standard for Chavez.

Secondly, they say nominee for attorney general John Ashcroft is a racist for not appointing a judge (his record was not relevant) and it is OK for them to destroy a Hispanic woman. I can only thank the Republicans for taking the high road and not using the Democrats’ strategy and calling the Democrats racists regarding Chavez in the same manner the Democrats have called Ashcroft a racist. It is no wonder this country is so divided.


Los Angeles


Why are only female political appointees asked about the harboring or hiring of illegal immigrants or the nonpayment of Social Security taxes for their domestic help? Talk about a double standard!


Newport Beach


President-elect Bush’s selection of Ashcroft, Chavez and Gale Norton was brilliant politics for a man who is, in all probability, a moderate. He throws out a couple of sacrificial lambs and when they are firmly rejected can truthfully say to the Pat Robertson gang, “Hey, I gave it a shot, as promised.” Then he can nominate some competent, confirmable candidates and get on with the next four years.


North Hollywood
