
A Healthy-Looking Bin Laden Attends Son’s Afghan Wedding

Associated Press

It’s not often that the bridegroom’s father steals the thunder from the bride. But in this wedding party, the father was none other than Osama bin Laden.

The terrorist suspect, who typically shuns the spotlight, was shown Wednesday in television footage of his son’s wedding--beaming and apparently healthy.

Footage of the wedding in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar was broadcast on Qatar’s satellite channel, Al-Jazeera. It said the ceremony took place Tuesday.


Bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire dissident, has been indicted by the United States in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people. After the bombings, the United States fired dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles on eastern Afghanistan in retaliation.
