
NAACP Leader Criticizes TV Diversity


NAACP President Kweisi Mfume said Tuesday that he was concerned with the lack of progress at the four major television networks in improving cultural diversity.

Mfume used a forum on the subject at the annual National Assn. of Television Programming Executives meeting in Las Vegas this week to express his frustration and to outline plans for possible action, including a boycott targeting one of the networks. A similar action was avoided by ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox a year ago when each reached a separate multitiered agreement with a coalition of minority advocacy groups, headed by Mfume.

The National Assn. of Colored People leader said he would meet next month with his board of directors to discuss how networks have largely failed to live up to the agreements and what action should be taken.


Although he praised the major networks’ appointment of diversity vice presidents to head efforts to increase minority involvement at all levels, he complained that those executives have not been given enough authority to effect change.

In recent weeks, network heads have reiterated their commitment to diversity, saying that while inroads have been made, more needs to be done.
