
Levy Case Shows Police Inadequacies


Re Rep. Gary Condit and Chandra Levy: Only now do the DC Keystone cops search her lover’s apartment and vacant buildings (July 13)? Give me a break! The police of the world’s most murderous capital are conducting a publicity campaign to hide their inability to solve literally hundreds of murders every year.

So who is to blame that America’s capital produces so many unsolved murders every year? The pathetically underfunded D.C. cops? No, America’s biggest tax cheat--the federal government. If this were any other American city, the federal government, as the predominant local employer, would be paying beaucoup bucks to support local law enforcement. But having cast itself into the role of the beneficent monarch, the federal government uses its power to blame to cover up its woeful underfunding of its own local government. Just think of what a fair tax assessment on the White House and the Congress office buildings would be.

Martin Kotowski

Sherman Oaks



I really just don’t care how many affairs Condit is having. None of us should, except for his wife. What gets me is that this is just another fine example of the self-righteous, right wing and/or religiosos who want to tell us how to live yet are showing the true product of their repressive upbringing. Do as I say, not as I do. This guy voted for President Bush’s tax cut, and he was also one who wanted to post the Ten Commandments all over our public buildings. I guess posting them at his house didn’t help much. Let’s hope he has the decency to jump over to the Republican Party. They can keep those family values to themselves.

Michael Boshears

