
Maintain Access to Griffith Park


Why is it that every time my wife and I go to Griffith Park we find more and more of it closed off and inaccessible? Every trip up there finds more curbs painted red, more roads closed, less access. Other than the golf courses (which make money for the city, natch) and a few overcrowded picnic areas, there is very little of the park that is left open for public use.

Not too many years ago the roads of the park were open to everyone, and we could drive up into the hills and enjoy the views, find secluded picnic areas and take short walks in the wooded areas. Now, there is no parking anywhere near the roads that lead to the upper reaches of the park, especially on the Valley side.

Griffith Park was intended for the public, but, as usual, the city of Los Angeles has turned its back on the people’s needs. San Francisco, New York, Chicago and every large city I know bend over backward to make the parks available to the people. It seems only in Los Angeles does city government not give a damn. And you wonder why half of this city wants to secede.


Mike D’Angelo

Sherman Oaks
