
Term Limits Result in Long Job Searches


Re “Residents Dismayed by Wachs’ Absences,” July 21: Los Angeles fired Councilman Joel Wachs. The vehicle used to accomplish that was fairly impersonal. It’s called term limits. The city also fired his staff on the same basis. Term limits do give the employees a long advance notice period--the entire last term of office.

I don’t live in Wachs’ district, but I do find it notable that his constituents have reelected him for multiple terms. However, term limits are not the point. The real question is: How do you expect the terminated employees to behave while waiting for their last paychecks? In Wachs’ case, he tried to stay within the system by running for mayor. The voters of the city confirmed his termination by electing someone else.

It takes a significant amount of time, during business hours, to uproot your life and move on when you’re as entrenched as these people are. In Wachs’ case, I have no knowledge of whether there were no suitable opportunities here or whether leaving the city was a personal choice. As a taxpayer, since we’ve told them they’re going to be fired, I don’t begrudge Wachs or any of his staff the opportunity look for other employment.


Bruce Lazarus

Woodland Hills
