
Bush and Davis Energy Summit


Regarding the picture of President Bush and Gov. Gray Davis on May 30: I was wondering why Bush could not look Davis in the eye when they were shaking hands. Could it be that Bush felt guilty about the answer he gave Davis as to the problem of the energy crisis? Or is that too much to hope for?

Beverly Klein

Pismo Beach

Re “Bush, Davis Collide Over Energy Policy,” May 30: Bush is right; price caps will not reduce energy demand or increase supply. But he needs to get his head out of the deep dark hole it’s in long enough to realize that price caps may help keep California from being gouged into bankruptcy by greedy out-of-state energy producers.


Just because the Clinton administration rejected price caps doesn’t necessarily mean that Bush should too. Times and situations change, and decisions must be made to accommodate those changes. Anyone who can figure the difference between $7 billion and $50 billion can see that.

Mike Laskavy

Oak Park

After two years of mismanagement, our governor wants to sue the feds over the energy crisis. His lack of knowledge of the problem and his ineffectual handling of the entire situation are evident. Instead of facing the fact that he has not done his job, he claims victim status; instead of resolving the problem, he cops out and wants to sue. How inept can one person be?

Richard Fandel


This is not about politics. Our president wants to do the right thing by the people he knows and trusts. It is his deeply held belief that every honest billionaire has the God-given right to make a windfall profit, and it is their free-speech right to funnel part of that money back into the presidential campaign. If certain liberal Western states still don’t wake up and start voting Republican, well, they have only themselves to blame.

Endre Hules

Los Angeles


Thank you, President Bush. My $600 tax rebate check should arrive just in time for me to buy an additional two-week supply of electricity.

Barry J. Stone

Culver City

To the (May 30) letter writer who wants Al Gore voters to send their tax rebates to someone who voted for Bush: Gladly! If I can send you my outrageously increased electric, natural gas and gasoline bills since Bush took office. They will add up to many, many times more than any tax relief we see for all of this year.

Ken Gerken

Thousand Oaks
