
City Hall at Fault for Housing Crisis

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Re “Working Toilets Should Not Be a ‘Maybe’ in L.A. Housing,” Commentary, May 30:

The assumptions made by Tai Glenn and Jenny Hontz concerning the housing crisis in Los Angeles are incorrect. The lack of development of multifamily housing and the rapidly increasing population have created low vacancy rates and high rents, period. High rents would logically indicate this to be a great time to build and own apartments. Not so. The city government continues to play populist politics by vilifying landlords and creating near-impossible barriers to development.

This is business as usual in City Hall, and it is solely to blame for the housing crisis. Instead of consulting the so-called housing experts (who are neither landlords nor builders), perhaps someone will one day ask developers what is needed to encourage the building of more housing. Unfortunately for us all, this has not happened yet.

David Whitehead

Los Angeles



Yes, it’s disgusting to read how L.A. city code violations have gone unenforced “for months, sometimes years, with little or no consequences.” And how [physical problems] increased 55% from 1995 to 1999.

Query: Which candidate for mayor, who proudly touts his long record in city employment, had the duty to enforce the city code? Think about that hard before you decide whether he now deserves a promotion and a raise.

Lynn Snow

